Lightning & Ember

E.B. Repetto

Akira has an inner-diologue that goes something like this…..”I am so ordinary. Plain, athletic and blocky. I just don’t care to pursue higher learning to any level of accomplishment.” Her sisters goes something like “Akira is so hot, does she even notice that the hottest and most eligible Baron in the whole land has a chubby for her? She is the most brilliant person in this school but chooses to be a warrior hotty princess. Without even trying she is in Golds level, one below Platinum…” And that is what you get for buying YA BS.

As we move through the schooling year, without apparent notice, everyone snickers or basically denigrates the sisters because they are….wait for it…..HALF-BREEDS! OH THE HUMANITY! So while they suffer in stoic silence, Hunky Duke / Baron Cassius (whom now has teleportation powers) that grew up with them, trounces those that would hurt his childhood besties.

Yeah this novel is way over the top and reads like most YA trash out there. But the story line is good, you just have to sift through the tropes.


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