The Obsidian Path #3

An End to Sorrow

Michael R. Fletcher

Publishing Date: 2022

Genre: Grimdark

Rating: 1.2/5

Review: Krayon, the conflicted demonologist with a heart of gold. Wenka, super sexy necro with just a tinge of rot. Shlaequa, token ginger with broken teeth and a taste for adventure. Bren Wren, plodding lovable scamp with burns that attract rather than repulse. And a host of other forgettable characters the seek to add depth to life-less characters.

The hot and sexy necro whom wuvs Krayon got, and has gotten olde. Really, really, olde. The idea that Krayon has fragmented memories throughout the story line was too convenient a plot vehicle. So the intricacies within were rendered without real substantive value.

The characters I liked that could have driven this series in a better direction, were sadly rendered to the appendix. Conniving, dead, predator women without a soul that love in endless fashion are not believable not matter how fantastical the story.

The ending leaves room for more of the Poopy Path, so unless there is a serious change in character placement, I will not be visiting this series again.