Universe of Xuya

Seven of Infinities

Aliette de Bodard

Publishing Date: 2020

Genre: SciFi

Rating: DNF

Review: Honestly, I gave this the old college try, gave one to the Gipper, put my best foot forward etc. Really, I did, only in part that a really good reviewer raved about this. So I bought in hopes that expectations would ride the sundered beast above the paradym…….

What I got was devastatingly boring. No movement, incomprehensible mini-structures within the story line, character development that starts at the end with an implied expectation that you accept this unassailable status.

Gloat writing? Writing with an all knowing smirk? There has got to be issues with the translation from French to English as nothing can suck as bad as this.

The Rift Walker #1

Flames of Mira

Clay Harmon

Puiblishing Date: 2022

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 4.7/5

Review: Oh shjt, there is a new sherriff in town. This was spectacular in every way. World building, magic/character development, and stark contradictions riding a sense of ordered thought.

This whole novel is painted in high contrast and unlike Muir’s Gideon series, you never get lost in the mystery.

Titan Mage #2

Titan Mage Ruin

Edie Skye

Publishing Date: 2022

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 3.0/5

Review: These are fun to read if you abandon critical discrenment. Yeah, the contstant backstory gets in the way and the story line is predictable but the smut writing is really good if you have a good sense of visualization. One massive penis and plenty of willing tight boxes help expedite the scenes without intimacy.

Read the next? Not sure, as a threesome is predicatbly on the horizon I may hang around……

The Age of Uprising #1

Engines of Empire

Richard S. Ford

Publishing Date: 2022

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 4.6/5

Review: This was a dam good read. All of the charcters are well developed with unique story lines that drift and collide with enthusiasm. The only downer is Fulren whom goes from interesting to a little whiney dipshjt in two pages. Rosomon would usually fill the role of character deficiency yet she pulls through in every instance.

I have the next on pre-order an am looking forward to Fulren not coming back.

Cast Off: Book Three of the Peridot Shift

R J Theodore

Publishing Date: 2022

Genre: Steampunk

Rating: 3.2

Review: A not so great finale’. A brilliant start with a meh finish. Why are all the heroes gay or lesbian? Why point this out all the time? Get a little success under your belt and thought it was time to wake us all up?

Dunno, that shjt falls on deaf ears and definitely detracts from the novel. If you don’t like getting whacked over the head with sexual preferences, there is still a good story line within.

Peridot Shift #2


R.J. Theodore

Publish Date: 2019

Genre: Steampunk

Rating: 3.6/5

Review: As good as I remember from the first. This writer has some awesome world building chops. Couple that with interestingly built characters that you can bond to, and “Winner”!

Castoff is out and I have read it but it does not seem to exist on Goodreads. Get it though, it is a great finale’.

The Locked Tomb #2

Harrow the Ninth

Tamsyn Muir

Publishing Date: 2020

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 2.4/5

Review: Lesbos in Spaaaaaace!!!! Well kinda. Never really get to the implied action that may or may not occur.

Wow, what a complete departure from the brilliance of the first novel. What a turd. Intentionally confusing in order to expedite a sense of superiority. Seventy five percent through the novel and you have a not so good “aha” moment where clarity is gifted with a heaping spoon of deus ex. This whole novel was a continuity error but who will admit being a dummay under that shadow of brilliance? Not me, no siree, I knew what was going on from the get-go……..

All stars go to the cover art.

The Locked Tomb #1

Gideon the Ninth

Tamsyn Muir

Publishing Date: 2019

Genre: SciFi/Fantasy

Rating: 4.5/5

Review: This novel was trippin’ balls. Gideon is a riveting character drawn from the annals desperation. The writing lends to stuttering in places and you have to be patient to realize the culmination of events. But the magic is great and the instances within this world, while morbid, are presented with form.

That cover art rocks for sure.