City of Rain

William Lejeune

Review: This was really quite good as we follow Cole and Summer throughout their inevitable collision. Freya and Arlen make for a great supporting cast that may have their own story to tell. These meandering paths are integral within the build and coalesce with impunity, although they are not entirely free from punishment. Just a bit confusing at first as the characters seemingly wander around without focus.

And why is Cole so good with limited coverage? Movement, plain and simple. He is constantly casting about for reason while chasing some hottie thief across the rooftops while plunging to his death from great heights. What is not to love? Summer is also deeply involved in avoiding detection and plotting an escape from Torrick while infusing her personality into it.

It was almost like I had to go through pages of backstory and history as pennance for the characters I wanted to follow. Most readers will not give a fuk about the Kings of this and that, the Honeybird lovers song or princess whatevers familial history, yet it builds a great foundation for a continued series.

Rating: 4.6/5

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