The Kingmaster: Book One of Ellunon

C.A. Doehrmann



Review: Kyen. Hmmm. Pretty close to Kai in convention. Almost too close that it may warrant a star deduction. Fuking Kai.

For a novel built on and for the YA idiots amongst us, this was a damn fine read. Except for the Kai-en shjt naming. I liked following around in this douche bags footsteps as he at once disarming and self-deprecatory while brandishing skill with a sword from a famous land that is no longer.

The supporting cast is well defined and diverse in presentation. Princesses abound everywhere so fug me sideways on that. Finn’s sisters are Ten in number which may confound the reader. Is six not enough? A rando princess has the hots for Dummy but he is too shy, scrared blah, blah, blah to do anything about it. She wants it like a feral cat and all but sticks it in his face but dumbass cannot figure out what to do. Really? I am sure this is a slow build that grows within the series.

Anyhoo, the quests are many and the characters entertaining. Easy five stars but for the MCs name.


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