
A Novel

by Blake Crouch



Review: From the onset this novel follows a family as they escape, er crazy people and it goes like this…..”Oh shjt they are trying to kill us!” then a miraculous save and RUN AWAY!!!! They always find peace and respite not to mention convenient gas depots and places to stay. Rinse and repeat this sequence about 70 times and tag, yur it.

Dee was written as an asshat who makes it clear she is fucking another guy, so that is ok. When he tells her that he had a short affair (vs her open and long winded one) she has a tantrum and cries all day. But not without first telling him that he needs to man-up. Huh? There are a few instances where she was better left getting chewed on by coyotes. BUT, somehow through their trials of surviving multiple attacks with two kids in tow (riiiight) they find love again under da sheets.

Despite some character flaws, this was an ok read. I hung in there as the instances that constantly repeat are under different circumstances and settings. Yeah, Dee is tiring with her Super Slut persona, but who wouldn’t be, when crazy people that seem normal just want to kill you because they must. Not the best apoc novel I have read as reality dictates a grim outcome for 2 kids and city bred parents. If you want some light entertainment, then this is for you.

p.s. The idea that a POS modern Land Rover could even make it 30 miles overland is stretching the imagination. This hunk of shjt made by TATA survives bullet holes, mountain passes, extreme 4×4 country and 110 mph chases while running over harley bikers. Too funny.


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