Review~ Witch Wraith by Terry Brooks


Publisher: Del Rey
Publisher Date: July 16, 2013
ISBN: 9780345523532
Genre: SciFi/Fantasy
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Publishers’ Description: For centuries the Four Lands enjoyed freedom from its demon-haunted past, protected by magic-enhanced borders from the dark dimension known as the Forbidding and the profound evil imprisoned there. But now the unthinkable is happening: The ancient wards securing the barrier between order and mayhem have begun to erode—and generations of bloodthirsty, monstrous creatures, fueled by a rage thousands of years in the making, are poised to spill forth, seeking revenge for what was done to them.

Young Elf Arling Elessedil possesses the enchanted means to close the breach and once more seal the denizens of the Forbidding in their prison. But when she falls into the hands of the powerful Federation’s diabolical Prime Minister, her efforts may be doomed. Only her determined sister, Aphen, who bears the Elfstones and commands their magic, has any hope of saving Arling from the hideous fate her captor has in store.

Meanwhile, Railing Ohmsford—desperate to save his imprisoned brother—seeks to discover if his famed but ill-fated ancestor Grianne is still alive and willing to help him save the world . . . no matter the odds or the consequences.

Review: I think this is the last in the Dark Legacy of Shannara series, but who knows, it’s hard to keep it all straight. Anything Terry Brooks writes is just plain good or great. He weaves quite the alternate reality in magic-landia.

Although I really liked this series, the last (or so I think) novel kind of fell flat. He wove this great tale and was cruising along then all of a sudden it seemed like there was a rush to finish. There was no elegant culmination of character’s coming together, nor was there this sense of righteous finality that we all look for when good has been trampled on for thousands of pages. The battle scenes were overly developed, which took up most of the story-line, with the pivotal scenes getting scant coverage/development. My subjective feeling is that there was not a lot of creative investment in this. More the work of a good writer that can make a living without the emotional purge that goes with creative insight.

The cover art looks like three half-squashed cherries in a bowl. Why they couldn’t create cover art that depicts psycho Grianne, wielding powers, is beyond me. Another sign of a half-assed job.

I personally will not risk purchasing any subsequent novels by this author, based on his latest work. For the masses whom have read the prior novels in the series, it is a coin toss. If you bought the first two, you mays well buy the last and get some closure/angst.

One thought on “Review~ Witch Wraith by Terry Brooks

  1. just read your review about Witch Wraith. thank you for that. Wondering if you might be so kind as to spoil certain details for me via email? after being somewhat disappointed with the first and second books, trying to see if the third is even worth it. Depending on what happens at a high level, it will tell me whether the book is worth buying.

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