Endless Frontier: The Hunter and the Knight

Brett Lurie



Holy shjt that cover is gayer than a clutch purse with a three dollar bill in it. Fabio is holding a big shiny sword. Can you say inuendo? MEOW!

Anyhoo, this had some really high ratings yet I dismissed it as relevant to my needs due to the covers advertisement for western alien porn. This is a slow starter. Like watching slugs race through a salt mine. But, and it is a big butt, this novel will eventually surprise you when the slugs start rolling downhill.

Kasta is a sarcastic narcissist with a heart of gold and a penchant for slinging hot electro blasts and epithets. Confused? Me too. While she is all about the money and leaving your ass to die in a desert, she never kills anyone on a bounty hunt and will save a life here and there. Quite the walking contradiction.

Thankfully there is no romantic entanglements. Just hard driving action. I enjoyed myself, but not too much as that would be juvenile.


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